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The phrase dodge and burn comes from the old darkroom photo retouching and editing technique. It darkens and lightens areas gently if you use a brush tool on them. Dodge and Burn is the first brush option. With the Brush Tool, you can paint on various effects in the desired areas alone. That is how people erase flags on buildings. Immediately you remove your finger, the app will fill the area with surrounding pixels. Select that part with your finger and the app will highlight it in red. After choosing the Healing tool, you will have to zoom into the section of your image you want to fix. It works best when the objects are surrounded by plain things and have fewer patterns – such as water, sky or plain walls.

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It facilitates the fixing of smaller mistakes, such as the removal of unwanted objects from images. However, its presence helps you take your photo editing work to another level. The Healing Tool is not exclusive to Snapseed. For example, it will make dull skies look purple-ish. If you use the tool correctly, it will improve your dull looking photos. Apart from giving your images warm red or cool blue hues, you can give them green or pink tints. However, it offers more control over the image aspects. White balance is similar to the warmth setting that the Tune Image tool provides. It allows you swipe up and down on the images to switch between the options and right or left to increase or decrease the values. If you know the kind of photo you need and the options that can provide you with that, you will only need to use Tune Image tool for the editing. Some people opt for the blue-ish tone because it is cool while others go for the warmer tones. Warmth will add red-ish, orange or blue-ish tints on your images. It helps change the brightness of all the dark parts and prevent overexposure of the bright areas. This is the exact opposite of the highlights option.

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Highlights allow the user to change the brightness of the brightest parts and helps prevent loss of details in the darkest areas of the images, while all the overexposed areas gain some. If you increase it, the contrast will reduce it and bring out all the details in the dark parts of the image. The ambience option allows you to change the saturation and contrast together. If you increase it, the colours will pop but if you decrease it, the colours will be dull. The saturation refers to the amount of colour in your images. Some people will choose more contrast and others will choose the normal. The contrast option helps differentiate between the darkest and lightest parts of your images. However, when doing that, you will have to be more careful about the noise. You can use the feature to add more light to the darker shots too. By decreasing the brightness value, you will bring details to form overexposed parts of your images. The brightness option is more helpful when your images are overexposed.

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